KI 1551 LAB-IT Ta i bruk Splashtop for fjerntilgang til instrumentmaskin
Splashtop egner seg bra der laboratorieutstyret/programvaren krever høy skjermoppløsning/multiskjerm for å brukes.
Eposten skal ha avsender:
Eposten vil se slik ut, og inneholde all nødvendig informasjon:
__________________________________________________________________ has invited you to use Splashtop.
With Splashtop, you will be able to access your computers from any other computer or mobile devices, from anywhere! says:
Just complete these 3 simple steps:
1. Accept the invitation from your administrator.
2. On the computers or mobile devices you want to remote from, install the free Splashtop Business app and log in.
3. After logging in, you will see all the lab-computers your admin has granted you access to. Connect simply by clicking on the "Connect" button in the Splashtop Business app. If you don't see any lab-computers, please ask your admin to help you set up the lab-computers you want to remote to. If you are an admin, follow step 4-6 to set up the lab-computers you want to remote to, and learn how you can invite others to your labgroup.
4. Admins can logon, go to "Deployment" and find their Deployment package (Splashtop streamer app).
5. You need to install the Deployment package (Splashtop streamer app) on the lab-computers you want to remote to. The easiest is to go to the lab-computer and type the shareable link in a web browser. When the Deployment package (Splashtop streamer app) is installed, the lab-computer is configured.
6. As an Admin you can invite other users to your labgroup. Simply go to "Management" -> "Users" and select "Invite Users". Type in the email of those you want to invite, select their Role, and send the invitation.
You receive this email because you have/use a lab at the University of Bergen. Please note that UiB/Splashtop will never ask for usernames/passwords/other information via email. Please pay attention when clicking on links in emails. Official links from Splashtop should only start with or