UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0186 What does rights clearance mean?

Copyright clearance in the Literature Kiosk
According to the Kopinor Agreement curriculums and other necessary learning materials in the form of book extracts which are copied and made available to students and course participants in the form of coursepacks, shall be registered in Bolk for clearance. The institution shall register the number of pages, subject code, term and expected number of students/course participants to be provided with the material (Kopinor Agreement Ch. 6. Section 15).

In practice, it means that every copyrighted material used for educational purposes has to be authorized by Kopinor. To achieve that a course leader has to submit a literature overview and place an order for requested material to the University Library. UB ensures proper registration and rights clearance according to the Kopinor agreement. It is up to the rightsholders whether they grant permission to make reproductions and, if so, at what price (which UiB pays).