UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2069 Login to Pay Me self-service (without Norwegian Bank ID)

  1. Go to www.DFO.no:

  2. Proceed to Sign inDo not use “Log in to Betalmeg”:

  3. Click For employees and professional users in a government enterprise:

  4. First choose Other agencies from the drop-down menu.

    Next step: Press“Choose business:

A: If you log in to the system for the first time
5A.   Click Forgot password when logging in for the first time.

6A.    Enter the username you received from DFØ by e-mail. (The username will always start with 3790).

7A.   Enter the last part of the one-time code you received by e-mail from DFØ:

B: If you have logged in to the system before

5B.   Enter your personal username and password. Click Login.

        Note: If you do not remember your username, click Forgot username?.

6B:   Confirm your phone number.
         Click Send code.
         If the phone number is incorrect, contact UiB for assistance.

7B:   Enter the code sent by SMS to your registered phone number and click Submit.