UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2594 Student information - reading lists (under construction)

Part of the user guide for the reading list system Leganto
You get access to the list from the course in Mitt UiB via your mobile, tablet or laptop/stationary machine. If the course instructor opens up for it, you can ask questions and comment, and make your own, private comments.

In some cases students cannot access the reading list even if it is published. Most likely, this is caused by issues with your profile in the library system. If this is the case, please notify The Leganto Team. In the mean time, you can find the list at the course page at uib.no (which is open to all).

As a student, you are responsible for getting your own literature, but some copies of books and a lot of digital content will be available via University of Bergen Library. To access the subscription resources from the lists (i.e. e-books, digital articles), you need to connect to the UiB network via VPN (KI 0706). If you are using a laptop and Eduroam on campus, you will automatically have access to some resources, but not all. By using a desktop computer on campus, you will get access to all of our resources.

When a link is broken, please check this before you report it as broken to the The Leganto Team:
  • Are you connected to the UiB network? If no, please connect to it via VPN (KI 0706).
  • Is the reference digital available? Please check whether it actually has a link or if there is information on access in 'Student note'.
In some cases we find that links are reported as broken if it leads to the main page of a journal or to the index of a book. Please check if it is specified on the reference in the reading list which part of the reference you should read. You may  have to search for the part of the work yourself.

If you would like to have the reading list in an other format, i.e. Word, PDF or in EndNote, you can export the list or a section (KI 2579).

If you have any questions, please contact The Leganto Team

Kort introduksjonsfilm om hvordan du bruker litteraturlista (only in Norwegian)! Note! This shows the old user interface. New version will be available soon.