Junk mail, also known as spam, is unsolicited e-mail.
Spam e-mails usually contain advertisements or some kind of offer. However, spam can also be used for various types of criminal activities such as identity theft, fraud, extortion, etc. One well-known variety is phishing, where the sender pretends to be someone known to you and asks you to provide sensitive information (a password, your bank details, etc.). Another type is ransom viruses, which are pure extortion.
Legitimate e-mail may be erroneously sorted as junk e-mail
Sometimes an e-mail you want to receive can get filtered out by the spam filter. If you are expecting an email that does not arrive, please check if the e-mail has been placed in the Junk email folder in Outlook.
If an e-mail in this folder is erroneously sorted as junk e-mail, right click the message and select Not Junk or Never Block Sender/Domain:
Notify about junk e-mail
If you receive especially malicious spam or suspicious e-mail, please forward the e-mail to postnuke@uib.no. (Forwarding retains details about the e-mail that will easily be missed if you contact us via other channels.) This will help the IT division take action and prevent damage to fellow users at UiB.