UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0145 How do I log in to EZproxy?

Important message!
From 30.11.2021, EZProxy will no longer be available at UiB.
After this date, VPN will be the only off-campus option to access electronic resources that the University Library subscribes to. Go here for more information on VPN (Note: It requires multi-factor authentication).
The library's website will automatically use a proxy server when needed for access outside UiB's network. When you are asked for a proxy server login, use your regular username (eg pav000) and password at UiB.

If you need to log in manually, enter the following in front of the URL of the online resource you are trying to access: https://pva.uib.no/login?url=

More information:
What is my username?
Information about user account at UiB