KI 0144 The Library's E-Resources
If you are logged in to the UiB network (identified as a student / employee at UiB), you automatically get access to all the electronic resources that the Library subscribes to. If you do not use a UiB machine, you must connect via VPN to gain access (even if you are connected to Eduroam or UiB guest).
Access to the library's e-resources (general information)
KI 0146 Why can't I access literature via my private laptop?
KI 0148 How do I get access to litterature from home?
KI 0149 Why can't I access the database I want?
KI 1354 Does the University Library offer access to digital literature via EZproxy?
KI 0145 How do I log in to EZproxy?
KI 0706 How do I connect to VPN?
KI 0147 When should I use VPN?
More information about accessing e-resources off campus and on private devices.
Access for Helse Bergen
KI 1243 How can I access NEL?
KI 1697 Which e-resources do employees at Helse Bergen have access to?
KI 1784 Change for Eduroam wireless network in Helse Bergen areas
More information for clinicians.
KI 1355 What is Oria?
KI 0153 What is my username in Oria?
KI 1147 How to order materials you can’t find in Oria?
KI 0166 Can I get hold of books and other materials you don't have in the collection?
KI 1353 How can I report broken link in Oria?
More information about Oria (library discovery service).