UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0514 Import and Export - Export - Mac OS X

Guide on how to export files from your secure desktop. The guide is generic and should work if your Mac computer is managed or not.
The following drawing illustrates the method used to export data from your secure desktop. Note that newyork is an EXAMPLE server name. Yours will be named differently.

Again, note that newyork is an EXAMPLE server name.

To export files from your secure desktop:

1. Identify the file you want to export on your secure desktop
2. Copy the file to O:\Export

Within 10 minutes your file should be available in U:\newyork\Export\ on desktop.uib.no. The file has been encrypted during the move and the password you need to decrypt the zip-file is located in the Export folder on your secure desktop. The password file and the exported file both have a time stamp so that matching file with password should be easy.

To decrypt the file, first right click and choose 7-Zip from the drop-down menu, next choose the 5. alternative in the next menu. You will be asked for a password. Once this password is entered correctly, a folder with the same name as the encrypted file will be created and it will contain the exported file.

In order to get the decrypted file to your own computer, you can use cut/paste between desktop.uib.no and your own computer.
In detail:
1. Connect to desktop.uib.no using Microsoft Remote Desktop.
2. Start File Explorer on desktop.uib.no
3. Copy the file from U:\newyork\export and past it into the folder of choice on your own computer.

NB! The project manager will receive a copy of any file you export.