UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1639 Which versions of MacOS can be used?

Find out which versions of MacOS are supported by the IT division.
The IT division supports four versions of the macOS operating system at any one time.
We have chosen to only support four versions back in time of macOS in order to deliver security updates, operating software and support for macOS.
Below you will find a list of which versions of macOS are supported by June 1, 2022:

macOS name (Version) - Compatible with these machines

macOS Ventura (13.0-13.1) - https://support.apple.com/no-no/HT213264
macOS Monterey (12.1 - 12.4) - https://support.apple.com/no-no/HT212551
macOS Big Sur (11.6.7) - https://support.apple.com/no-no/HT211238

Find out which version of macOS your Mac is currently using: KI 1638 What version of MacOS is installed?
How to update macOS: KI 1109 Update MacOS on Macs