UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1903 How do I log on to uib-guest?

UiB-guest is suitable as a guest network for visitors who do not have a user account at UiB or other Eduroam institutions.
For UiB's employees and students, and for guests who have Eduroam access, Eduroam is recommended as a wireless network!
Show available wireless networks on your device, and copnnect to uib-guest.
skjermbilde med liste over tilgjengelige nett

Your device may inform that this network requires you to log on, and ask you to go to the log-on page.

Or you may open a web browser on the device. You should then be directe to the log-on page the first  time you try to go to a web page.

If the log-on page is not shown automatically, you may get to it by typring https://uib-guest.privnett.uib.no in the address field in your web browser, after connecting to the uib-guest network.

  1. On the bottom of the log-on page there is a link Or register for guest access. Click that.
    Skjermbilde av oploggingssiden
  2. You will ba prompted to enter your phone number. Select country and type the number. Then click Register.
  3. You will receive an SMS with the usersname and password.

    Enter the username and password in the appropriate fields on the log-on page, then click Sign On.
  4. You are now connected to uib-guest. The connection is valid for two days before a new log-in is required.