KI 2559 Deadline for reading list submission
The lists are submitted by clicking 'Submit list' in Leganto (KI 2560).
Every time a course is taught, a copy of the reading list is automatically generated (KI 2567) from the last time the course was held. You can find this copy under 'Lists' in Leganto at the beginning of April/October, and then edit it and submit it.
If you can't fint the copy, please contact the Leganto team.
Reading lists that are submitted before the deadline, are reviewed and published by the library before the university's deadline for publishing reading lists (1 July/1 December).
NB! We cannot guarantee that the study literature is available for the students in time for the start of the semester, even if the reading lists are submitted within the deadline. Consequently, we recommend submitting the lists as early as possible. This applies in particular to lists containing material that is time-consuming to provide, e.g. printed, foreign literature or excerpts to be digitized for Litteraturkiosken (KI 2550).