UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2567 Find, manage and submit a reading list (under construction)

Part of the user guide for the reading list system Leganto
On this page, and the sub-pages (see right side pane), you will find information on how to find and manage reading lists in Leganto.

Most courses will already have had a digital reading list in Leganto already. For these a copy of the list is generated, identical to the last time the course was held. These lists are made available at the beginning of April/October for the autumn and spring semester respectively, and an email is sent to the persons registered on the course in FS (KI 2562). These persons are automatically made owners of the list, and will find the copy under 'Lists' in Leganto. If you are in charge of a course and can't find the copy in Leganto, please contact the Leganto team.

If the course is new, or has not had a reading list in Leganto before, please contact the Leganto team to have a list created.

To find previously published lists for which you are not the owner, choose Lists in the left margin, and change the search scope to All lists.

How to make good and informative reading lists (KI 2581)
No citations? Create an empty list (KI 2580)
Linking a reading list to a course (KI 2548)
Add or remove collaborators in a reading list (KI 2180)
Sections (KI 2536)
Adding a syllabus/course overview to a reading list (KI 2573)
Submitting a reading list (KI 2560)
Sharable link to reading list (KI 2557)