KI 2562 Preparations in FS
The courses will be imported from FS to the library system in the start of April/October. In the import process copies of the reading lists are automatically generated for courses that have had Leganto reading lists before. There is no connection between FS and the reading lists after this, while the courses will be updated with any changes in the weekly import from FS.
The persons must be added to one of these places:
- To Personrolle EMNEANSV and/or ADMANSVAR on Emne (samlebilde)
- Only the person roles EMNEANSV end ADMANSVAR will be exported. Persons that are supposed to get access to the automatically generated reading lists must be added to one of these person roles.
- The time span must be active. 'From'-date is mandatory (and have to be a past date when the import is done), and we recommend leaving the 'To'-date field empty (not a mandatory field). The instructors will then be active until they are removed. If you fill out the 'To'-date field, please make sure that at least one day of next semester is covered (if the instructor is to get a copy of next semester's list, the 'To'-date have to overlap with at least one day in next semester. It does not help if the 'To'-date is in the current semester).
- To Personrolle EMNEANSV and/or ADMANSVAR on Undervisningsenhet (samlebilde)
- Only the person roles EMNEANSV end ADMANSVAR will be exported. Persons that are supposed to get access to the automatically generated reading lists must be added to one of these person roles.
- The time span is unimportant, as all persons registered here will be exported
Please note that to get access to the automatic copy of a list a person has to be added to the course in FS. Having had access to the list in previous semesters does not help. The reason for this setup is that access to the copy should be given to the person(s) responsible for the course in the given semester, independent of who has been responsible for the course earlier.Â
It is also important toÂ
Det er ogsÄ viktig Ä fjerne personer som ikke lenger skal vÊre knyttet til et emne. Dette fordi det blir gitt tilganger til personer som ikke skal jobbe med litteraturlistene og fordi meldinger om emner som ikke angÄr en oppleves som stÞy.
Dersom det ikke er klart hvem som skal ha ansvar for emnet enda, er det viktig at dere legger til en person i FS i mellomtiden, f. eks. en studieadministrativt ansatt (slik at noen pÄ instituttet fÄr kopien og kan legge til riktig ansatt (KI 2180) pÄ litteraturlista pÄ et senere tidspunkt).
I noen tilfeller er ikke emnet klart fÞr etter fristen (gjelder f. eks. en del uregelmessige emner), slik at FS mÄ oppdateres i etterkant. Disse emnene vil bli importert fÞrste sÞndag etter at FS er oppdatert.