UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2823 Scheduled IT Maintenance Work on Thursday, March 13

Upgrade/Uninstallation of Zoom
We have several older versions of Zoom installed on our UiB client machines. About 20%-30% of the Zoom clients have been used in the last 30 days. These clients will be upgraded to the latest version of Zoom. For the remaining installations, Zoom will be uninstalled. The latest version of the Zoom client can be installed via the "Software Center" for these machines. We are doing this to prevent older and vulnerable versions of Zoom from remaining on the machines.

Network reconfiguration BIO2
The network at BIO2 (HiB, buildings 353/354) will be reconfigured and will be unavailable from 16:00 onwards.
  • Note: Users affected by this change must restart their machines on Friday morning to ensure their machines recognize the network changes.