UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0387 LAB-IT Use storage area

In order to get access to this storage area, the lab responsible must grant others access via portal.uib.no
Overview of the storage areas can be found here
In order to connect to the storage area your computer must be on to the UiB-network or connected to UiB VPN

UiB-managed Windows:

On your office computer you can simply open windows explorer

And type in the path to the storage area:

On a private computer:
You must be connected to UiB VPN in order to connect to the storage area:

1. Open windows explorer: 
2. Click "Map Network Drive"...

3. Type in the path to the storage area.
4. Choose "Connect using different credentials"

5. Type in your UiB username/password. Use "uib\" in front of your username

See this guide

See this guide