UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0476 Import and Export - Import - Windows

Guide on how import to a SAFE server is performed.
The guide is generic and should work whether your Windows computer is managed or not. However, if your Windows computer is managed and you are on the UiB network (physically or by using VPN), you should not have to go via desktop.uib.no as the U:\ drive should normally be available from your own Windows computer.

The following drawing illustrates the method used to import data to your SAFE server. Note that "newyork" is only an example name, and that the name has to be replaced with your own SAFE server.

To import files to your SAFE server:

1. Identify the file you want to import on your own computer
2. Connect to desktop.uib.no using Remote Desktop client.
3. Start FIle Explorer on desktop.uib.no
4. Copy/paste the file you want to import from your own desktop to U:\newyork\Import on desktop.uib.no. Replace newyork with the name of your secure desktop.

Within 10 minutes your file should be availble in O:\Import\ on your SAFE server.