UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0679 Connect to VPN from UiB Mac

How to download, install and connect to VPN with Cisco Secure Client from a UiB managed Mac. 
Before you can use VPN with Cisco Secure Client, multi-factor authentication must be activated for your user account.

Install Cisco Cisco Secure Client
To install Cisco Cisco Secure Client you have to open Managed Software Center > type Cisco in the search field > Click on install

The software will be installed on your computer shortly. 

Connect to Cisco Secure Client
  1. Open Launchpad or Spotlight-search > type Cicso in the search field click on Cisco Secure Client

  2. In the drop down menu, either enter vpn3.uib.no or select UiB VPN, then click Connect.
  4. You will now be logged in. If you are already logged in to your Microsoft 365 (Work or School) account on this machine, it should happen automatically and almost invisibly.
    If you are not logged in, a window will appear asking you to log in as usual and confirm with multi-factor authentication.
  5. You will see a green checkmark on the padlock icon. You are now connected to the VPN connected to the UiB network.