KI 0779 Connect to VPN from IOS (Iphone/Ipad)
Before you can use VPN with Cisco AnyConnect, multi-factor authentication must be activated for your user account.
1: Search for the Cisco AnyConnect app on the AppStore, download and install it:
2: Start the application and allow notifications if you want (recommended):
3: Move the slider next to "AnyConnect VPN" to add a new configuration:
4: Fill in a description and the server address "" as shown here:
5: Allow new configuration to be added:
6: Authenticate with code (device id) or touch ID:
7: Enter and your uib password:
8: You will now receive a notification from Microsoft Authenticator if you have enabled multi-factor authentication:
9: Follow the instructions from Microsoft Authenticator to approve the request: (You must have the Microsoft Authenticator app installed beforehand.)
10: You are now connected to the UiB Cisco VPN!
11: The next time you need to connect, you can find the application on your home screen: