UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1025 How to use SigmaPlot without connection to the license servcer

If you will be using SigmaPlot in a place where you have poor or no nwtwork connection, tyou have to prepare by "detatching" a license.
Detatch a license before offline use
  1. In SigmaPlot click the help icon (?) in the top right corner, and select License Status..:

  2. Choose the tab License Information and click Install License Manager. Perform the installation.

  3. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_detach.html.
    This should tahe you to the Sentinel Admin Control Center:

    Check the bos for Enable Detatching of Licenses.
    Enter the other vaules as shown, at least 50 % licenses reserved, and max. period for offline use 31 days, or whtever value is applicable.
  4. Select the tab Access to Remote License Managers and verify that the values are entered like shown, change them if required:

    Aggressive Search for Remote Licenses should be checked, but not Broadcast Search for Remote Licenses,
    The field Remote License Search Parameters should contain the value lic-spw14.uib.no.

    If you change anything, click Submit to store the values.
  5. Select Products in the left hand menu in the picture (or go to http://localhost:1947/_int_/products.html).
    This should now list a line with available licenses for the relevant products (SP14... eller SP15...). Click the button Detach for the desired license:

  6. In the next step you need to (1) check Detach Method > Offline and ensure that the name of your computer is correct, (2) choose the duration of the period you need to use the license offilne, and then (3) click Detach:
  7. Now save the "checked out" license file by clicking Save As:
  8. Select Update/Attach from the menu on the left. Click Select file and choose thelicense file you stored in the previous step. Then click Apply File:
  9. If everything is done right, the license should now be available for use without connection to the license server:
Check in the license after offline use
When you are back on a stable network connetion, please remember to "deliver" the license again. This is done as follows:
  1. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:1947/_int_/products.html
  2. One of the licenses on the list will be labeled Location > Local. Select Cancel License on that line: