UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1027 IT service disruptions Thu. 4 Feb. after office hours

New Eduroam certificate and network outages for some buildings.
We will change the security certificate and certificate issuer for Eduroam wireless network on the university campus. This means that you may have to approve a new certificate the next time you log on to Eduroam. (See also notice at the end of this message.)

Network maintenance will cause outages of 1-2 hours in the following buildings between 4 and 8 pm (16:00-20:00):
  • Øysteins gt. 1
  • Øysteins gt. 3
  • Christies gt. 15
The network in Herman Foss gate 6/Fosswinckels gt. 14 Will be rerouted. This should not cause disruptions, but if you experience problems afterwards, please turn your PC, printer etc off and on again. If problems persist, please contact us.

SEBRA will be unavailable 4-5:30 pm (16:00-17:30). You may not change passwords, create or approve new user accounts etc. during this period.

As announced above, a new Eduroam certificate will be in use as of 2. February. This new certificate has the following fingerprints which you may be asked to approve:

    SHA1 Fingerprint
    MD5 Fingerprint