UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1050 Connect to your home directory on a Mac

How to connect to your UiB home directory from Mac Finder.
  • Don't look upon the home area as your only or primary storage solution. OneDrive, for example, is just as safe for your work and easier to access in practice, especially if you're on the move. Read more about UiB's OneDrive.   
  • Remote Desktop Connection easily provides access in both your home directory and more. By connecting to Desktop.uib.no you get all basic programs and services available. You can also connect to your own office computer on campus. Then you will be in your usual working environment through the machine at home. read more here.
If you still want to only connect to your home directory, please read on. 
  • You have to be connected to the UiB network, either on campus or via VPN (Virtual Private Network)
  • You need to know the name of the server related to your storage area. The server is named after a station on the Bergen Railway (Voss, Ustaoset, Finse, etc.). You will find your station at the bottom of the page bs.uib.no
How to do it
  1. Open Finder
  2. Select Go > Connect to server
  3. Type
    smb://uib;username@stationname.uib.no/username, where stationname is the server associaterd with your user, see above,
  4. Then click Connect.