UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1531 Can I extend my student account?

30 days before your student account is terminated, you will receive an e-mail with a notification. If you want to extend your access, use the link in the e-mail to access UiBtilgang.
NB! To access UiBtilgang you need to be on the UiB network, either on campus or connected with VPN.
Do this in UiBtilgang:
  1. Log in
  2. Request extension of your student account under Catalog.
    Check Extend Student Account og then click Request either to the right on the row or in the bottom of the page.
  3. The access is automatically extended for six months.
NB! After the six-month extension, the account will automatically be terminated. No further notice is given, and it is not possible to extend your student account beyond these six months. The alternative is to apply for a new guest account if you still need access to UiB's IT services.