UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1482 How can managers apply for entitlements/host roles on behalf of own staff?

Managers can, on behalf of their own employees or long-term guests at their department, apply for access to various systems, as well as for the role of host to register guests.
To apply for entitlements on behalf of another person, do this:
  1. Go to UiBtilgang (https://tilgang.uib.no) and click the pulldown arrow next to the user icon and your name in the top right, select Proxy As.
    Search for the name of the person you want to apply on behalf of, and select the right person.
    Click (if required) Back to Profile menu:

  2. You will notice that the user icon and the frame around the page has a yellow background colour, and that the name of the person you are applying for has replaced your own name.
    Go to Catalog in the menu on the left.
    Check the entitlement(s) you want to apply for.
    The click Request either on the right of the selected row, or in the bottom of the page:

  3. A field will open on the right where you select the duration of the entitlemenet in years, months, weeks, days or hours. Then click Request in the bottom right:

  4. The request for entitlements is now sent. You must return to your own role as a manager to approve it. 
    Click the user icon on the top right and select End proxy session:

  5. You are now back in your own role as a manager and can approve the request under Tasks > Approvals. See also KI 1479 How managers (staff approvers) approve requests for extended access