UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1544 You can order the transfer of your old e-mail to Exchange

UiB has standardized on Exchange as our e-mail service, and all users have now moved to Exchange e-mail.

The old e-mail service with IMAP (sometimes called "Unix mail") will be discontinued. It will be switched off approx. May 10.
Many users who have previously switched from imap.uib.no to Exchange/Outlook, have kept their old e-mail at imap.uib.no. As part of the discontinuation of imap.uib.no, the IT division offers to move the old e-mail messages to Exchange for you. Submit the form at https://forms.office.com/r/FXRKsamTqQ to order such a move. This must be submitted no later than Sunday 1 May, after this it will no longer be possible to move your e-mail to Exchange Online.

Later you will receive a personal message with the exact time of the move, probably in week 18 or 19, i.e. at the beginning of May.

Note that if you have a lot of e-mail, the move will take a long time, so we encourage you to purge the e-mail archive before it is transferred. The easiest way can be to do this via https://webmail.uib.no/. If you are sure that there is no e-mail in your unix account worth keeping, we simply encourage you to delete the entire directory "mail" (possibly with a capital letter) on your unix home directory/W-drive. After your e-mail has been copied to Exchange Online, we especially encourage this, as you then have all your e-mail in Exchange.

The e-mail will not be deleted and will stay in files/folders on your W-disk (home directory on unix). However, it will be difficult to access, so we recommend moving to Exchange online if you have e-mails archived here that you may need in the future.