To print to the new system from a Mac, you need to use the UiB RICOH UiBPrint print queue (instead of the old "pullprintricoh"). UiB RICOH UiBPrint should be added to UiB Macs automatically. If this does not happen, you can follow this procedure:
Make sure that OSX/mac os is selected under Select operating system. Then click Download package.
Open the downloaded folder. (You should find this in Finder under Downloads.). Open the file myPrint Mac OS printer installer.pkg
This should give a window similar to the one shown here. Click Next, accept the license and then Install.
Note! When you print from now on, the printer will have the name uibprint.
The next time you print, you will see a windows similar to this. You need to enter your username and password here. NB! Remember "uib\" before your username NB! If you do not want to type this every time, check Save this password on the key wing. And then OK.