UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1591 How to pay for prints/copies as a student

You pay on the web page myprint.uib.no.

NB! Do not buy more credit than you expect to use! You will not be able to withdraw excess funds from your print account. It is currently not possible for UiB to refund the remaining amount either.
Skjermbilde av påloggingsiden på mypårint.uib.no. Markert knappen Office 365 Login.
Click Office 365 Login.

Click Buy credit:

Skjermbilde viser myptiny.uib.no når man er logget inn. 
Markering av knappen Kjøp kreditt

Click the button for the desired value to preceed to pay the desired amount to your print account:

Skjermbilde for å kjøpe kreditt. Det er en knapp for hvert beløp kr 10, kr 20 osv.

Click Pay to go to the external payment provider to make the money transfer:
For the time being we use MultiSafepay as payment provider. This will change.

You will be transferred to the MultiSafepay web page where you pay using your debit or creditcard in the normal way:

When you have completed the payment, this will be shown under Transaction history. If the payment is completed, status will show Paid and the amount will be repeated in the Paid coloumn. If status is Open, your payment is not completed. When correctly paid, it should look like this:

In addition, you will receive an e-mail to your UiB e-mail address with a confirmation of the transaction:

Other functions
The button Transaction history gives you an overview of previous payments.

The button Value coupon is used if you have received a value coupon to cover your printing costs:

Skjermbilde for å legge inn verdikode.

Enter the code from the value coupon and click Verdikupong til utbetaling to enter the amount into your print account.