UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1692 How to erase contents from a lost mobile phone

If your mobile phone or other device is lost or stolen, you can remotely erase the contents of the device. You do it like this:
  1. Go to start.uib.no and log in using your UiB account.
  2. Click your name/icon in the top right corner of the windows and select Show Account:
  3. Click the link Manage devices. You will see a list og mobile devices your UiB account is configured on:


  4. If there is more than one device on the list, you have to locate the correct one to erase. Click the arrow on the right on the relevant row to view more details and see the Disable lost device button.
    When you are sure you have have localized the correct device on the list, clisck Disable lost device and confirm deletion by clicking Disable lost device again in the dialogue box.