UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1754 Traveling to high-risk countries

These procedures for using devices and services when traveing in high-risk coutries are under revision. This information will be updated. Please look again before your trip. If you have further questions or do not find the information you need, please contact the IT division.

Norwegian authorities have identified some countries with particular threats to information and IT security. When traveling to such countries, you should be aware of this and take precautions. The risk for beeing surveilled or having devices infected with malicious software is higher in these countries.
The general advice in KI 1755 Traveling with UiB PC, should always be followed. In addition these extra precautions may be required:
Bringing a PC to high-risk countries
If you are bringing a PC to such countries:
  • Do not bring your own PC. You may borrow a "blank" PC without UiB setup from the IT division. Please contact us suffficiently in advance to have the PC made ready and to have time to prepare for using it.
  • During the trip you may work (with non-sensitive information) on the PC, and log in to your UiB account in a web browser for access to UiB's Microsoft 365-based services (email, OneDrive etc.).
  • When returning the PC must not be connected to UiB's network or services, but handed back to the IT division immediately. Wee will help you to recover any data you might require.
Bringing a mobile phone to high-risk countries
  • You may use your own mobile phone on the trip is these precautions are taken:
  • All apps and user accounts related to UiB must be uninstalled before traveling. (Outlook, Teams, Onedrive and maybe other apps, as well as the UiB user account.)
  • Please change your UiB password before traveling, and do not log on with the new password on your mobile phone. This will ensure that any services remaining on the mobile phone will not be able to connect to UiB during the trip.
When returning home
  • Change the passwords you have been using while travelling. When changing the password, remember to use a different device than the ones used on the trip.