UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1710 UiB wired guest network will be discontinued

Wired connection to the guest network will not be possible after 17 December 2022. (Original schendule was 1 Dec., but it has been postponed.) Only equipment explicitly approved and managed by the IT division will be allowed access to wired internet.
There are important safety reasons why it is not advisable to continue this service.

For private equipment to be connected to the network on the university campus, a wireless network (Eduroam, or if you cannot use this, uib-guest) must be used after this date. Note that in order to be inside of UiB's firewall and have access to services there, you must use Eduroam with a UiB account.

If you have other devices, or equipment that you share with others, where you believe the wireless network is not sufficient or appropriate, please contact the IT division as soon as possible to discuss alternative solutions.