UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2098 How to use the LoopMeeting-screens?

In this article, you will receive a user manual and an explanation on the information given to you by the screens.  

  1. Room Name.
  2. Room Information: Here you can see the resources available in the room and its capacity. If you click here, you can also report various issues and faults with the room.
  3. Meeting Information: In this part of the screen, you will find a lot of information. If the room is available, the color is green, and it indicates that the room is vacant – you can book the room right away. In situations where the room is occupied, you can see who is in the meeting and how long it will last. From this part of the screen, you can also end the meeting if you finish before the scheduled time.
  4. Calendar: Here, you will receive information about any upcoming room bookings.
  5. View Schedule: Here, you can view the calendar for the present and future. From here, you can also book the room.
  6. New Meeting: Here, you can schedule a new meeting for the room.
  7. Multi Room: Here, you'll find information about nearby meeting rooms, and you can check their availability and even book one of the other rooms from this screen.
Room Booking

You can create a new meeting by clicking on "New Meeting" or "New Meeting Now" if the room is available. Here, you can provide a meeting name (1), select the date (2), duration (3), and the time slot (4). When you're done, press "Finish" in the lower-right corner. Now you should see the meeting either on the main screen, on the right-hand calendar, or in "View Schedule" (as explained below).

Multi Room
Here, you can see other rooms in the building, and you'll also receive information about their availability (green) or occupancy (red). From here, you can also book other rooms.

How to book another room?

Go to "Multi Room" and select the room you want to book. Now, you'll access the calendar for that room. Then, click on "New Meeting Here," enter the information similarly to the "Room Booking" section, and press "Finish."

View Schedule
Here, you get an overview of the room's calendar. You can see when the room is booked and even schedule a new meeting from here. Click on "New Meeting Here," and follow the process described in the "Room Booking" section above.

Reporting Problems and Issues
If you have booked a room and find that the room resources are not functioning correctly, you can easily report the problem on the screen. Click on the resource icons (point 2 on the main screen), and choose the resources you want to report. Multiple selections are possible. Then, click "Report Problem." The responsible individuals will be notified that something is not working, and the issue will be resolved.