UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2727 Scheduled Interruption in Network and IT Services, Saturday, January 18

Please be aware that this coming Saturday, January 18, there will be interruptions in IT services and some networks between 08:00 and 17:00. This is due to planned maintenance and updates on several of our systems.

  • Due to updates to WiFi access points, users may experience temporary WiFi interruptions of approximately 10-15 minutes per access point. This is expected from 13:00 and for 2-3 hours throughout the day.
  • The network in the basement, 1st, and 2nd floors of Realfagbygget will be without network for parts of the day.
  • Special note: For users in the affected floors of Realfagbygget (see above); please restart your computers on Monday morning so that your computer can apply the network changes.
  • SAFE, downtime from 08:00 - 17:00.
  • An update to Apex will cause all applications running on the system to experience brief interruptions throughout Saturday. The most used applications here are: Cinema tickets, literature kiosk, Funds and Grants, Reposting solution for f

If you plan to use the services during this period, we recommend that you save your work frequently. If you experience issues, such as your PC freezing or a service being unavailable, we suggest taking a break and trying again later.