UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2782 New application period for the cabins – the summer of 2025

You can now apply for the desired period at the welfare cabins for the summer of 2025, in the period June 22 to August 17: Velferdshytter.
When applying for a cabin, you must prioritize both the desired cabin and the period you wish to rent it.
If you are allocated a cabin, you must either confirm or cancel the booking.
In order to cancel your booking, you must follow the link provided in the confirmation email and then register your cancellation. It is not enough to simply refrain from confirming your booking.
The cancellation deadline for an allocated cottage is 30 days before the start of the rental period if you wish to avoid a cancellation fee.
You must use the electronic cabin system (https://reg.app.uib.no/hytter) by logging in with your UiB username and password.
When applying for the first time, you must enter some information.
All applications must be registered in the electronic cabin system to enter the draw.
The application form and information about the cabins can also be found on the employee pages: Cabin hire | Employee Pages | UiB
The application deadline is March 23.
The draw takes place March 26. 
The winners will get information by email.

Questions about the cabins can be directed to The Estate and Facilities Management division via UiBhelp.