UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0374 LAB-IT Give a member remote access to Instrument

To get remote access to a lab-it computer/instrument, the Lab leader must add members to the correct group.
This is done via portal.uib.no. In order to logon portal.uib.no you must use a UiB-office computer or skrivebord.uib.no

the LAB leader must log on to portal.uib.no with their uib username and password:

1. open the lab-it manager inside portal:
The lab-it manager will then start the software, if it does not start automatically, click the file that got downloaded.

2. inside the lab-it manager make sure that the selected lab is correct:
If you are the leader for multiple labs, click the down arrow besides the lab name and choose the correct lab you want to manage.

once you have selected the lab you want to manage, clikc the Access Profiles icon:

3. inside Access Profiles you use "Acces via terminal server" for the terminalserver and "via portal" for Windows 10 managed lab-it computers.

Here you can add and remove members with the following icons:

When you add a member you will be asked to type the username to the person who needs remote access:

P.S: it's important that you type the username and not the full name of the user who needs access.

THe message above will close itself when its done adding the user. when its finnished you should be able to see the user in the table below:
If the user is in the table, then the user will have access to log on to the terminal server for your research group, from where they can connect to the machines/instruments owned by the research group.