UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0376 LAB-IT Give a member access to storage area

In order to read/write to the researchgroups Lab-IT storage area, the lab responsible must add members to the correct group.
We recommend that users only have read access to the storage area. This way you avoid that raw data is changed unintentionally. Raw data should be copied/moved to other suitable locations for processing.  

This is done via portal.uib.no. In order to logon portal.uib.no you must use a UiB-office computer or skrivebord.uib.no

The lab responsible must login at portal.uib.no with their uib username/password:

1. Click lab-it Manager

The Lab-IT Manager program will start

2. Inside lab-it manager, make sure you have selected the correct lab
If you are responsible for multiple labs, press the down arrow and select the correct lab you wish to edit.

Then click picture next to Data Access:
Inside Data Access you can choose who should access what. 
    -Members with Read-Only Access: Members only get access to read the data
    - Members with Full Access: Members can both read and write to the storage area.
    - Here you can also see the path to the storage area (Full path to your data:)

In order to change access you choose the small icon with green + to add people to the list, and red X to remove:

When adding people you must use that persons username:
You will then get a confirmation message:
This message will close automatically when the list is updated
When the list is updated you will see the new user in the list: