UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0411 LAB-IT Automatic copy of rawdata from Lab-PC to Lab-IT storage area

This is a specialized solution typically needed for older operating systems. The solution demands some configuration of the lab equipment and will therefore take some time to introduce.

This solution can also import data from storage area to locally on the instrument:
KI 0396 LAB-IT Importere filer fra lagringsområde til instrument
Lab-PC's (Windows/Linux) connected to Lab-IT will have raw data automatically copied from the Lab-PC to a common storage area (Lab-IT storage). The copy frequency is usually every 5 minutes, but there may be local adaptations. Data will be copied into a folder on Lab-IT storage that corresponds to the name of the Lab-PC.

The automatic copy job will always copy the newest data from the Lab-PC. If a file on the Lab-PC has the same path and name as a file on Lab-IT storage area, the newest version of that file will be written to Lab-IT storage. This way an old file on Lab-IT storage may be overwritten with a newer version from the Lab-PC. If this happens unexpectedly you can use snapshots/backup to retrieve the file that was overwritten.

Each research group have a separate storage area; please see Overview LAB-IT for more information.

We recommend that users only have read access to the storage area. This way you avoid that raw data is changed unintentionally. Raw data should be copied/moved to other suitable locations for processing.  

The common area (Lab-IT storage) is available from your office computer, self managed and private computers, please see this guide for more information.