UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0413 LAB-IT Tips: Leave Lab-PC unlocked after a remote session (windows)

When disconnecting a remote session with a Lab-PC, the Lab-PC will be locked and users physically in front of the computer have to type in the password to unlock it. Sometimes it is necessary that the Lab-PC remain unlocked after a remote session (for example if using autohotkey or similar software). Follow this guide to keep the Lab-PC unlocked after a remote session:
1. When logged on a Lab-PC remotely via terminal server or https://student-ts.uib.no -> right click the "Make Me Admin" app and choose "Run As Administrator"
2. Open a cmd console by right clicking and choose "Run As Administrator"
3. Type "query session" in the console and find the session ID of the active logged on user:
It will look similar to this:

4. When you are ready to disconnect the remote session, type in the cmd console (replacing the session ID and the password with those for the local user):
tscon sessionid /dest:console /PASSWORD:passwordforthelocaluser
For example: