KI 1379 How to archive data for long term tape storage
If you have big datasets consisting of many small files, it is necessary to archive these into bigger files before storing them on billy. This way the tape storage system can retrieve your files faster. This is a guide on how to create archives on billy using 7zip File Manager. NB: It is recommended to use a computer at campus with ethernet connection when archiving.
1. Start 7zip File Manager and navigate to the path where your source data is located (this path never starts with \\
2. Choose the folder you want to archive to billy. Typically you create one archive per folder.
3. Press "Add", then press the button to navigate:
4. Navigate to the path on billy where the Archive should be stored, then press "Open"
5. It will typically look like this (here you can also give the archive file ((myprojectmeasurements.7z) another name. It can be smart to write the date into the filename.
6. Then you find "Split to volumes, bytes" - and type "50g" (this means that the archive-file is split into chunks of 50 gigabyte each)
7. It should look like this, and you are ready to press "OK":
8. The Archive is being created and you can leave it until finished. The job can be minimized, paused or canceled if necessary.