UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0862 How does the IT equipment recycling scheme work?

UiB has an agreement with the company Foxway, which accepts discarded computer equipment. The equipment is reused or recycled.
By returning discarded equipment, we help ensure that it is handled in a way that is
  • Environmentally friendly: Equipment that can be used is reused. Equipment that cannot be used is passed on to material recycling. UiB gets a full overview of how "our" equipment is handled.
  • Economical: UiB pays something for the collection of the equipment, but gets some reimbursement if the equipment is salable. We aim for the scheme to be self-financing.
  • Secure: All data on returned devices is deleted so that it cannot be recovered.

To send computer equipment to recycling:
  • The equipment must be decommissioned from UiB.
  • Order cabinet(s), pallet(s) or box(es) to fill up with equipment and then order collection. This is fone in the Foxway Partner Portal. (If you do not have access to the Foxway Partner Portal, you can get it by submitting this form.)
  • One employee must be responsible for keeping the cabinet locked, and for ordering collection.
  • You must remember to order collection of the equipment container(s) when full, no later than four weeks after delivery.