UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0945 How to schedule a Zoom Webinar

Only those who have a webinar license associated with their Zoom account can create webinars in Zoom. If you do not have the possibility to create the Zoom Webinar yourself, please order it using a dedicated form in UiBhjelp.
If you have the license to create Zoom Webinar, follow these steps:

Note: The license is based on simultaneous use, ie you can only run one Zoom meeting at a time with your license. You can also not have a Zoom meeting and Zoom webinar with the same license at the same time.
  1. Go to https://zoom.us/signin and select Sign In with SSO. Type uib in front of .zoom.us. Click Continue. Log in with Feide.

Choose Webinars  > Schedule a Webinar

Here is a suggested setup:

  • Q&A is safer than chat as the other participants do not see what question has been submitted. Host or co-Host may dismiss any unwanted questions. If a participant shares, for example, a link on chat, all the others will see this and have the opportunity to click on the link.
  • Participants can be prevented from using chat after the webinar has started. Chat will still be visible but may not be used.
  • Alternative Hosts should be defined so that the webinar creator does not have to attend the meeting. In addition to the technical manager at the department, you can add IT support (relevant IT assistants etc.) as alternative hosts. The email address you provide must be linked to a zoom account.
When you have made all the settings, click Schedule.

You now get this overview:

Here you can copy the link to the webinar. You use this in the invitation to the participants. You may want to copy the entire participant invitation and paste it into the case of the webinar. Some participants are asked for a password, among other things, possibly because the e-mail address does not represent a registered zoom user.

You must also invite panelists. Click Edit.

You may want to enter the webinar in your own Outlook calendar so that the information is easy to find (click the Outlook icon in this overview if necessary). You can start the webinar from this page if desired

The webinar should now be created.

See also KI 0994 How to conduct Zoom Webinar.