UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 0968 I want to use the Polls function in Zoom

There are two ways to create polls in Zoom:
  1. Set up 'live' during the meeting
  2. Load questions and answers in advance
Note that only the host, ie the person who creates the meeting, can create surveys in a Zoom meeting. 'Co-hosts' or 'Alternative hosts' can start surveys during the meeting, but they must be created first by the host.

Set up a survey live in a meeting
Click the Polls button inside the Zoom window:

If the button does not exist, log in to uib.zoom.us with Feide (select SSO). Go to Settings and on to In Meeting (Basic). When the function is switched on, the button will appear in the button bar menu in the next Zoom meeting you create.

Select Add a Question in the pane that appears and you will be sent to the Zoom web portal for further setup:

Create questions and answer options in a separate form in the web portal. You can create up to 25 surveys per meeting.

Once the questionnaire is created, it will display immediately in the Zoom session. If you have created several forms, you can choose which one you want to share:

You can share the results of the survey with your students after the survey is completed:

Set up a survey by loading questions in advance
If you have set up a video seminar in Zoom in Mitt UiB, you can post your questions in advance.
  • Open the meeting from the list of video seminars or create a new seminar. (If you are creating a new meeting, save it and select Edit Meeting before the Poll feature at the bottom of the page shows.)
  • Download the CSV film from the link at the bottom of the page and fill it with content
  • Import it via the Import CSV button