UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1084 How to install Office applications

On a UiB computer, install from Software Center.
On your private computer: Go to the Office portal via start.uib.no and log in with your UiB account:
  • Students: Log in with username@uib.no (eg. abc123@uib.no)
  • Employees: Log in with e-mail address, (firstname.lastname@uib.no)
In the portal, you can download the Office suite in its entirety, or select individual programs. The portal also provides other applications and services related to the Microsoft subscription, including an online inbox for mail, and an overview of files in the OneDrive cloud storage service. With your user, you have the option of installing the traditional Office suite on up to 5 different devices.

The Office suite and other applications can also be installed on Android via Google Play and iOS via the App Store. Chromebook users should use the app solution from Google Play Store.