UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1381 I have a new mobile phone

How do I set up multi-factor authentication on my new mobile?
If you have used your mobile phone for multi-factor authentication with the Authenticator app, you need to change when you have a new mobile phone.

It is recommended that you have both your old and new phone available and operable while you perform the transition, if possible.

Even if you clone and restore your old mobile configuration to the new phone, the Authenticator app will not work until you have completed the transition of authentication method.

You can always do it this way:
  1. Go to https://mfa.app.uib.no/, and delete Authenticator as authentication method.
  2. Add Authenticator on the new mobile (see instructions in KI 0780 Use multi-factor authentication)
  • If you had set up SMS or dialing as authentication method, and have kept the same mobile number (moved the SIM card from the old mobile) you can choose the alternative authentication method to log in to aka.ms/mfasetup and add Authenticator on the new mobile from there.
Please remember that if you use your Authenticator app as authentication method for other systems or organizations than UiB, you will need to move these as well! Please try to log on to all system using your new mobile before you discard the old one.