KI 1433 How to register guests for user account
How to register a guest
- Log in to the guest service at Select logging in as a host:
- You may be prompted to select your user account and click Use work or school account:
- When logged in, click Register new guest:
- You will see this page. Here you can search to check whether this guest already has got a user account. If not, click Register new guest in the bottom left:
- This will give a form where you must fill in name and e-mail address for your guest:
- Then scroll a down to select guest role, organization and the duration period for the guest's stay at UiB. When these fields are filled, click Next in the bottom left corner:
- The next page will repeat the information given in the previous steps.
If something is incorrect, you may click Back to correct.
When the information is correct, click Save:
- When the information is submitted you will get a message saying that registration is completed and you may return to the front page:
Your guest must register
The guest will receive an e-mail from with subjecyt Invitasjon til opprettelse av gjestekonto hos UiB [Invitation to create guest account at UiB]:NB! Please note that some e-mail systems may sort this message as spam. Therefore, please ask the guest to check in the spam folder if they has not received an expected invitation message.
The guest must click the link in the e-mail and complete the registration before the host can approve the guest account.
For details see KI 1616 Register for guest account.
Approve guests/Guests waiting for approval
If the guest has registered with Feide or MinID, the account is created automatically and the guest receives an e-mail that they must activate the account. (See KI 1471 How to activate a user account for detailed guidance.)If the guest has registered with manual registration, you must approve the account. Here's how:
- Once the guest has registered, you can click Guests waiting for approval:
- You will then see a list of guests who have registered and are awaiting approval. The most recent guests requiring approval will be at the bottom of the list. Here, guests waiting for approval will have the status Need approval until they have been approved. On the far right you can click Details:
- Click the Details button on the right of each line to view and approve.
- The approve window will contain information about the person and their roles:
- Click Confirm to confirm the identification and create the guest account.
Approved guests
From the front page you get to the list of approved guests by clicking Approved guests:This will give a list of approved guests. The guests will either be listed as active or expired.
You may sort the list by the various fields bi clicking the coloumn headings. It is also possible to search for a guest using the search field.
If you are a host for several departments, you may select to only show guests for one or some of them by selecting from the pull-down menu.
On the right of each line you may click Details for each guest:
This will give a detailed view with information about the person and their roles:
In the top part, you can click Send to resend the invitation, or Cancel to cancel the invitation.
In the lower part you can click Add role.
If you want to return to the main menu, click Back.
If you click Add role, you will see the following window where you can add an additional role, with associated organization (department) and period:
After completing the information, click Save. If you do not want to add a new role, click Back.
Click the arrow next to Approved Guests to return to the front page.