UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 2495 Adding a citation manually (under construction)

Part of the user guide for the reading list system Leganto
If you are not able to find and add/import the citation by searching the catalogue(KI 2530), using Cite It! (KI 2542), or importing from a reference management system (KI 2541), you have to add it manually.

Click 'Add' and then 'Manual entry'.

Add information into the various fields in several consecutive screens, choose section (and a tag if you want) in the last screen, and finish by clicking 'Add'.

If the resource is an unpublished book or article, add the information you have (eg. author, title, year, publisher, publication place). Check the publisher's site for information.

If you add a file to the citation, make sure the copyright is cleared (KI 2572).