KI 2543 Editing a citation (under construction)
You can now edit the information that shows on the citation in Leganto. The edit-screen opens in the tab 'Item details' by default. This contains the bibliographic metadata for the citation. Note that there are more fields under 'More item details'.
Important! Bibliographic information, such as ISBN and year/edition should not be changed if the citation was added from a search in the library system! If you want to add a different edition, please do a new search and add the correct edition (KI 2530).
In the tab 'Item actions' you can add information to students, set a due date, and add tags.
This is how students will see this information:
In the tab 'Links & availability' you can add a link or upload a file. As a rule files should not be added to the reading list. (Instead, you should provide a link to the full-text version, or have it digitized and added to Litteraturkiosken.) Exceptions include unpublished material that you are the author of or have copyright to. Read more about files and linking here: KI 2572