UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1434 Software: SPSS

How to get the SPSS statistics software.
UiB has a license that allows all students and employees to use SPSS base and various modules. We recommend using the latest version of SPSS. As a rule, the two latest versions will be available.

How to get SPSS on UiB PC or Mac
You can install SPSS from:
  • for Windows PC: Software Center (See KI 2089 How to install software from Software Center)
  • for Linux PC: Ubuntu Software Center.
  • for Mac: Managed Software Center.
SPSS for students' PCs/Macs
SPSS is available to students through the Tredjepartsportalen (apps.uib.no). Please see KI 0322 Get started with the Tredjepartsportalen (apps.uib.no) for more information.

For employees' private PCs/Macs
Installation program can be downloaded from the file store of the Programvare på UiB team.

You must run the installer with administrator privileges on your PC.

Once you have completed the installation, you will be offered to start the SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard. This is also located as a separate program on the program menu of IBM SPSS Statistics and can be started from there. The pictures below show the procedure for SPSS 25, but it is similar for newer versions.

When you run the SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard, you get two options for product authorization: "Authorized user license" or "Concurrent user license". You must select the latter, Concurrent user license.

You will be asked for "License Manager name or Services IP Address. Here you enter lic-spss28.uib.no (or lic-spssXX where XX is the version number).

Note that the computer must be connected to a UiB network (cabled, with Eduroam or remotely via VPN) to activate the license.
You will receive a confirmation that the software is licensed.

Checking out the license for a period of offline work
The license you have activated gives you access to run the program as long as you are online with access to UiB's license server.

If you are going to work offline for a period of time, you will need to issue a so-called "Commuter License". You do this from the "IBM SPSS Statistics 25 Commuter License" program.

Start the program and select which product(s) you need the license(s) for, as well as how long (number of days from now) you need the license before you are back online again. Maximum period is 30 days.