UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1785 How to transcribe audio recordings using Word

Word includes a function to take dictation so you can talk into your microphone to generate text. In Word Online there is also the possibility to upload sound files and have them transcribed into text.
How to read text into Word
In the Word program you will find the button Dictate on the toolbar Home tab:

Click Dictate and then the microphone icon on the small toolbar. You should be able to see from the symbol that a recording is in progress:

You may now speak for the text to be inserted directly into the document.
Click the same button again to stop the recording.

If you need to change the microsphone settings etc., click the cogwheel icon to open settings.
How to transcribe recorded speech (from a sound file) in Word Online
If you have recordedsound files you want transcribed, you may upload these and have them transcribed into text. This must be done in Word Online:

Go to start.uib.no and start Word Online:

In the same way as the Word program on your PC (previous section) Word Online, too, has a Dictate-button. But this one contains two alternatives, Dictate and Transcribe.
NB! This button may not show in some web browsers. Safari is known to have this issue. Please try Firefix, Chrome or Edge instead,

Dictate works in the same way as in the Word program (described in the previous section). 

To transcribe speech recorded in a text file, use Transcribe. This opens a side panel where you may select language and upload the sound file by clicking Upload sound:

Select the audio file you want to transcribe. The transcription starts as soon as the file is uploaded.

When the text has been transcribed, you must click the Add to document button at the bottom of the sidebar to get the text into the document. You can also use the arrow to the right of the button to select whether the text should be marked with talkers and/or time stamps. This can be useful, especially in view of to further editing, but you may try the various options to see which alternative works for your document!

The quality of the transcription will depend on the language, how clear the sound is, the speaker's diction, dialect, etc. If the text looks completely strange, you should check that the right language is selected in the menu in the sidebar before starting the transcription. Some post-editing must bexpected anyway.
Security guidance
Please be aware that the material bein transcribed will be stored and processed in Microsoft 365 (OneDrive). This is OK for Open or Internal data, and for Confidential data if they are encrypted. Please see Storage guide | IT division | UiB for more information.