UiBhelp's public knowledge cards

KI 1169 Get to know the Teams telephone

You must be logged in and the Teams program must be open for telephony in Teams to work.
To get an overview of what you can do with Telephony in Teams, select Calls in the left menu bar in Teams. This opens the window shown below:

Here you have two tabs, Phone and Contacts.
  1. Phone: Here you have the numeric keypad to dial.
    • Here you will also see a log of all your calls, both those you have made and all incoming calls. You can choose between all calls, missed calls, incoming and the answering machine.
    • Under the numeric keypad, you have two menus for settings:
      • Telephone call forwarding
      • Microphone and headset settings
  2. Contacts: An overview of all contacts you have added or talked to.
    • If you have many contacts, you can search for your contacts
    • If you want to add more, use Add contact

See also:
  • KI 1158 What happens to my phone 18.-20. June 2021?
  • KI 1159 How to call from Teams to external telephone numbers
  • KI 1166 Someone outside UIB calls you in Teams